Family of British citizen imprisoned in Egypt claim David Lammy ignored' them

Sanaa Seif expressed her disillusionment, stating, "He was once our champion. He was our guy. He knew every detail. Now we are not so sure." She highlighted the difficulty of remaining hopeful, illustrating the emotional toll taken by the perceived abandonment by Lammy, whom they viewed as an ally in their fight for her brother's release.
Alaa Abd el-Fattah, who has been incarcerated for nearly a decade, received a five-year sentence based on unjust charges such as sharing a social media post, illustrating Egypt's harsh stance on political dissent.
Despite earlier support from David Lammy as shadow foreign secretary, the Seif sisters claim he has not met with them since taking office, leading them to feel ignored and uncertain about their brother's fate.
The family's concerns are exacerbated by fears that Abd el-Fattah could face additional charges upon his expected release, a tactic frequently used in Egypt's justice system to prolong imprisonment.
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