Wendy Altschuler embarked on a three-night solo hiking adventure in Death Valley National Park after feeling disconnected from her teenage sons' interests. The experience allowed her to reconnect with herself, reflecting on her previous family hiking trips. While in the stark beauty of the desert, Altschuler felt a mixture of vulnerability and empowerment. Surrounded by the wild, she appreciated the tranquility and vastness of the environment, which ignited a passion for adventure. The journey reminded her that such experiences may not appeal to everyone but were ultimately transformative for her.
This is the sensation I was seeking - the seemingly contrastive awareness of feeling itty bitty in a grand ole world, vulnerable and exposed to the elements, while at the same time, powerful and at the helm of my own life full of adventures.
When not with my kids, as an adventure writer, I also travel alongside other writers on media trips. This is why, during my visit to Death Valley earlier this month, I was excited to trek alongside everyday folks, plain clothes philosophers who had all chosen and paid to go on this adventure.