"Sadly, I'm not surprised," said Terilee Kelford, co-chair of the National Alliance to End Rural and Remote Homelessness. The AMO report said rural communities have seen the fastest growing levels of homelessness, a reality Kelford knows well, having spent the last 25 years watching the situation evolve. She said she was glad to see that the AMO report highlighted the lack of shelter space in rural communities..."
"At this time, 25 years ago, the reason why we set up [a community coalition to fight homelessness] was because we were putting kids on Greyhound buses and shipping them off to Ottawa or Kingston, because we had no supports or services here," Kelford said. She also said rural communities typically have higher rates of domestic violence and poverty, and lower rates of education..."
"Also, when you look at a federal or provincial policy perspective, rural communities are often neglected when it comes to capital programs and financial programs for supports for folks who are homeless," Kelford said.