Tech bros and bankers rally around nuclear power to fuel AI's rapid rise

"It's only recently that people have come to appreciate the importance of [nuclear power] from a reliability perspective. But even more so, that there just are no other resources on the grid that can operate when customers need it, consistently, without any air pollution or carbon emissions." - Kathleen Barrón, Constellation Energy.
"The deals have buoyed the confidence of global financial institutions, 14 of which on Monday endorsed a goal to triple nuclear energy by 2050. Bank of America and Goldman Sachs are among the signatories."
"Nuclear power's stock is rising thanks to artificial intelligence's insatiable appetite for electricity. Tech giants including Microsoft, Oracle, and Amazon have struck deals in nuclear power this year in hopes of supplying their data centers with carbon-free electricity."
"It's a remarkable shift, given that just five years ago the nuclear plant at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania shut down in part because it couldn't compete with cheap natural gas. Now Constellation Energy... plans to spend $1.6 billion over three years to reopen one reactor that had safely operated for decades."
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