Internet picks "werewolf clawing off its own shirt" as new Michigan "I Voted" sticker

The town of Fort Wayne, Indiana, learned this the hard way in 2011, when an online vote to name a new government center in town went with "Harry Baals." Though Mr. Baals was in fact a respected former mayor of the town back in the 1930s, contemporary officials weren't convinced that his name was chosen out of merely historical interest.
Even the not-quite-bleeding-edge-of-tech New York Times recognized in its headline on the story that this is "What You Get When You Let the Internet Decide."
The state commissioned designs from local school kids, no doubt anticipating that said designs would feature things like heartwarming drawings of the Michigan mitten. And they let the Internet weigh in on the results.
More than 57,000 people did so-and that's why voters across the state, once they cast a ballot in this year's presidential election, might be handed a round sticker featuring a.
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