For Amazon Workers, $30 Is the New $15

A dozen years ago, some 200 New York City fast-food workers sparked a movement when they first hoisted picket signs demanding "$15/hour and a union." That bold demand electrified workers, sparking a movement that in the last decade has won $15 wages-and more-for more than 26 million low-wage workers.
Today, workers at Amazon are rallying around the demand for a $30-an-hour starting wage for the lowest paid US Amazon worker, backed by the success story of the Fight for $15 movement.
Just imagine what's possible if that $30-an-hour starting wage demand becomes the unifying rally cry of Amazon's 2.8 million workers worldwide, supported by labor movement resources and Amazon's 200 million Prime subscribers.
Among the myriad challenges facing the US labor movement, none is bigger or more important than organizing Amazon, a global tech giant with significant influence in the world economy.
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