HRC President Kelley Robinson calls rightwing activist a "Republican reject" after Ford drops CEI - LGBTQ Nation

HRC president Kelley Robinson condemned the move by stating, 'Today, Ford Motor Company abandoned its commitment to hundreds of thousands of employees by cowering to internet troll Robby Starbuck...' This comment illustrates the backlash Ford faces from the advocacy community, portraying their decision as a capitulation to an outside pressure that undermines employee rights and inclusivity.
Robinson further elaborated, 'By failing to support women leaders, employees of color, and LGBTQ+ employees, Ford Motor Company is abandoning its financial duty to recruit and keep top talent from across the full talent pool...' This highlights the potential repercussions of Ford’s policy rollback, emphasizing the link between diversity policies and effective talent acquisition.
The memo from CEO Jim Farley indicates a strategic pivot within Ford, stating that the company is moving away from previous commitments to DEI. This shift is significant, given the company's prior high rankings in inclusion measurements, marking a drastic change in corporate ethos.
Robby Starbuck's activism had a tangible effect, as evidenced by his leaked memo which outlines Ford’s retraction of DEI policies. This serves as a key example of how individual figures can influence large corporations to alter their social responsibility commitments.
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