Serie A is considering holding regular-season matches in the U.S. within the next three years, according to Michele Ciccarese, the league's marketing director. This follows a settlement between Relevent and FIFA that could allow leagues to host international games. While Relevent is still in a legal dispute with the U.S. Soccer Federation, the circumstances suggest that playing European league matches in the U.S. is more feasible than ever. Ciccarese emphasized the need for approvals from various bodies, including the Italian Federation, UEFA, and FIFA, before proceeding with any plans.
All the different leagues are discussing the possibility of playing a regular-season game [abroad]. If you look at the NFL, they're playing in Germany, they're playing in London, they are going to play in Australia.
I would say that it's up to us to put together the piece of the puzzle and present a proper strategy to the authorities. This is what we are doing, and who knows, maybe in a window of one to two years, we will see the league playing if the approvals come.