Letters: If insurers can't make money in California, they will leave

The article presents two letters emphasizing significant issues in California regarding insurance and water projects. The first letter argues that good intentions behind Proposition 103 have resulted in financial challenges for insurance companies, which leads them to exit high-risk markets, leaving homeowners in low-risk areas to bear the cost. The second letter highlights the need for adequate funding for vital water projects, specifically urging support for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion, which is seen as crucial yet inadequately addressed over the years despite bipartisan approval from voters.
"Insurance companies are businesses, not charities; they won't operate where they can't turn a profit. When insurers can't price risk appropriately, they leave."
"Responsible homeowners in low-risk areas end up footing the bill. That's not fairness – it's failure."
"Over a decade later, none of the approved projects have fully materialized. Santa Clara Valley's Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project is one of just six proposals left standing."
"If the will of California voters is to be respected, the deliberative process regarding Pacheco needs to be adequately funded."
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