Gwyneth Paltrow disclosed using alcohol nightly to cope with stress from California wildfires, despite not facing evacuation. Living with her husband in an upscale Montecito area, the uncertainty affected her well-being. On the Goop podcast, she highlighted how drinking worsened her menopause symptoms, which she had previously managed. Paltrow acknowledged a need to stop drinking as her symptoms escalated, recognizing a direct connection between alcohol use and her menopausal health. Dr. Mary Clare Haver noted that Paltrow's experiences are common among her patients, underscoring the complex relationship between stress and alcohol consumption.
I think I drank every night. I was medicating.
I'm really in the thick of it right now, so I'm all over the place.
It was the first time I really noticed, like, causation in that way.
Lots of my patients say the same thing. They've really just spontaneously realized...