Ultra-precise particle measurement thrills physicists: 'The standard model is not dead'

"The standard model is not dead," said Josh Bendavid, a particle physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and member of the CMS collaboration. This statement reflects the significance of the new W boson mass measurement, reinforcing confidence in the standard model of particle physics. Bendavid emphasized the importance of the CMS experiment's results, which show precise alignment with established theories, countering previous anomalies that suggested possible new physics.
"The community will be excited by the fact that we can reach this precision and have this understanding of the standard model at this level," says Florencia Canelli, an experimental particle physicist at the University of Zurich. Canelli's remarks highlight the significance of the CMS experiment's findings, praising the achievement of such high-precision measurements that underpin the reliability of the standard model, especially in light of earlier anomalies.
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