"This reduction is spread across essentially all areas of the Lab including our technical, project, business, and support areas," Leshin wrote. "We have taken seriously the need to re-size our workforce, whether direct-funded (project) or funded on overhead (burden). With lower budgets and based on the forecasted work ahead, we had to tighten our belts across the board, and you will see that reflected in the layoff impacts."
"After the recent launch of the $5 billion Europa Clipper mission, JPL is not managing another flagship deep-space mission at present. The budget for Mars Sample Return was slashed from nearly $1 billion for this fiscal year to less than $300 million, and there is no guarantee that JPL will be given leadership of a revamped Mars Sample Return mission."
"A changing environment means that NASA is considering alternatives from other field centers and private companies like SpaceX and Rocket Lab for its future missions. The competition for projects has intensified, impacting JPL’s staffing and project management opportunities."
"JPL has a long and storied history in space exploration, managing many of NASA's highest-profile planetary probes. However, recent competition from other centers and private entities has led to a shift in project management that has affected their budget and staffing capacity."