Could Einstein's Abandoned Theory of Teleparallelism Rescue Modern Cosmology?

Cosmologists face numerous challenges, including dark matter, dark energy, and the Hubble tension, prompting them to seek new solutions for cosmic mysteries. Dark matter explains the unexpected velocity of celestial bodies, while dark energy addresses the acceleration of the universe's expansion. Rather than proposing new theories, some researchers advocate for a reevaluation of an older concept by Einstein called teleparallel gravity. This suggests modifying Einstein's general relativity might provide clarity on these persistent issues, suggesting potential breakthroughs in our understanding of gravity and cosmology's fundamental questions.
Dark matter, which explains the rapid motion of stars and galaxies, alongside dark energy, which addresses cosmic expansion, remain major issues in cosmology.
Cosmologists believe that rather than introducing new theories for dark matter and dark energy, revisiting Einstein's old theory of teleparallel gravity may be the solution.
The Hubble tension presents a significant disagreement in cosmic expansion rates, and theorists suggest modifying Einstein's relativity might help resolve these cosmological puzzles.
For generations, scientists have sought to understand the universe better, struggling with gaps that traditional theories fail to address, raising the question of revisiting Einstein.
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