Elixir has several collection types: Lists for mutable homogeneous collections, Tuples for efficient access, Keywords Lists for named arguments, and Maps for key-value pairs. Maps can be declared with string or atom keys, with the syntax making a crucial distinction. Atoms are constants declared with a colon, useful for defining keys in Maps. Understanding these types is essential for effective data organization and manipulation in Elixir programming.
Elixir's collection types include Lists, Tuples, Keywords Lists, and Maps, each serving specific purposes in terms of data manipulation and access.
Atoms in Elixir are constants that can be created with a colon and are useful for defining keys in Maps.
In Elixir, Maps can have keys of any type, with the syntax differing significantly between normal variable keys and atom keys.
Using the arrow syntax (=>) for Maps denotes a regular variable key, while a colon (:) indicates the use of an atom as a key.