AWS has launched AZ awareness in the Valkey GLIDE client library, enabling AZ affinity routing to optimize request handling. This update minimizes costs and latency by allowing clients to direct requests to data replicas in the same availability zone (AZ). The GLIDE library, written in Rust, supports three routing strategies: PREFER_REPLICA, PRIMARY, and now AZ_AFFINITY. The new strategy is currently unique to GLIDE, which provides a significant competitive edge by enhancing application performance and reducing data transfer costs.
"In Valkey 8, availability-zone configuration was introduced, allowing clients to specify the AZ for each Valkey server. GLIDE leverages this new configuration to empower its users with the ability to use AZ Affinity routing."
"The AZ affinity routing algorithm offers two key advantages: reducing data transfer costs, since cross-zone transfers often incur additional charges in cloud environments, and minimizing latency between AZs within the same region, improving application responsiveness."