Migrating to Valkey from Redis - LogRocket BlogRedis has changed its licensing model, leading to the creation of an open-source fork called Valkey by major cloud providers.
Best of 2024: Valkey is Rapidly Overtaking Redis - DevOps.comThe Valkey fork emerged successfully after Redis changed its licensing, backed by significant support from major tech companies.
Redis users considering alternatives after licensing moveAround 70% of Redis users are exploring alternatives after a licensing change to less permissive terms.The emergence of Valkey highlights the shift in user sentiment towards more permissive licensing.
Valkey 8.0 Now GA with Improved Memory EfficiencyValkey 8.0 enhances storage capacity and performance while maintaining compatibility with Redis command syntax, offering a robust alternative for open source in-memory storage.
Valkey gains momentum with broadening band of backersValkey gaining momentum as open source Redis alternative with support from key partners like Broadcom, AlmaLinux OS Foundation, and Instaclustr by NetApp.
Valkey publishes release candidate and attracts new backerValkey, an open-source alternative, gains support from prominent industry players and releases first version as an alternative to Redis.
Migrating to Valkey from Redis - LogRocket BlogRedis has changed its licensing model, leading to the creation of an open-source fork called Valkey by major cloud providers.
Best of 2024: Valkey is Rapidly Overtaking Redis - DevOps.comThe Valkey fork emerged successfully after Redis changed its licensing, backed by significant support from major tech companies.
Redis users considering alternatives after licensing moveAround 70% of Redis users are exploring alternatives after a licensing change to less permissive terms.The emergence of Valkey highlights the shift in user sentiment towards more permissive licensing.
Valkey 8.0 Now GA with Improved Memory EfficiencyValkey 8.0 enhances storage capacity and performance while maintaining compatibility with Redis command syntax, offering a robust alternative for open source in-memory storage.
Valkey gains momentum with broadening band of backersValkey gaining momentum as open source Redis alternative with support from key partners like Broadcom, AlmaLinux OS Foundation, and Instaclustr by NetApp.
Valkey publishes release candidate and attracts new backerValkey, an open-source alternative, gains support from prominent industry players and releases first version as an alternative to Redis.
AWS Reduces Latency and Costs for Key/Value Datastores with AZ Affinity Routing and GLIDE ValkeyAWS introduced AZ awareness in Valkey GLIDE to improve latency and reduce costs by routing requests to local replicas.
I'm a tea potMichael Foord's impact in the Python community is commemorated for his contributions to language summits and the mock library.