On February 27, a mama northern right whale dolphin was spotted with her calf off the coast of California, delighting whale watchers. The dolphin, known for its lack of a dorsal fin, is typically found in groups. The Monterey Bay Whale Watch shared amazing photos of the duo leaping out of the water. In addition to this sighting, onlookers enjoyed seeing various other marine animals, including gray whales and Risso's dolphins, showcasing the rich biodiversity of the area.
On Feb. 27, a northern right whale dolphin was seen swimming in unison with her calf, according to a Facebook post by Monterey Bay Whale Watch.
Northern right whale dolphins are the only dolphin in the North Pacific Ocean to not have a dorsal fin and usually travel in packs of 100 to 200.
The mama and baby can be seen leaping out of the water in "amazing" photos, the March 2 post said.
Onlookers also got to see five gray whales, 300 other northern right whale dolphins, 20 Risso's dolphins, five humpback whales and two bottlenose dolphins.