Neighborhood Navigators pave in-roads in Harlem

"It's really about meeting people where they're at [and] working at their pace. I try not to be pushy at all. At the same time, I want to encourage them, help give them hope. A lot of these people have dealt with very extreme trauma throughout their life, so just being there to listen to them if they want to share, because a lot of people don't have anyone to talk to. So just being that listening seems to really go a long way for them."
"Neighborhood Navigators stems from the Manhattan District Attorney's $6 million investment towards nonprofit the Bridge to establish outreach programs in four focus neighborhoods staffed by peers with similar life experiences. The initiative will run for roughly three years and officially kicked off this past February. Ortiz and Brass started in June and make up the Harlem team."
"So far, their engagement led to placement of five people into safe haven, low-barrier transitional housing services tailored to those resistant to staying in the city's general shelter system. But others have been connected to services, provided with safe-use kits and helped with obtaining Medicaid cards - as well as given compassion and companionship."
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