By the grace of God Ricky Pearsall is here with the team and doing really well. We just all feel incredibly blessed. I was able to be at the hospital and if I heard from one person I heard it from many, it was nothing short of miraculous that he came out of this as good as he did.
Pearsall, 23, was shot in a robbery attempt Saturday in San Francisco's Union Square, where he was purchasing luggage after signing at a card show. The alleged assailant, a 17-year-old teen who targeted Pearsall because of his Rolex watch, was also shot in the struggle.
When I got to the hospital to visit with Ricky, one of the first things he said was, 'Mr. Lynch, I'd really like everyone to go to that party and I'd like to talk to some of my teammates.' It was kind of a cool moment we were able to pipe Ricky into the party and that show of love and respect was a real special moment for our team.
Lynch said no organs or bones were struck and he expects Pearsall to play this season. Pearsall will miss a minimum of four games for recovery on the NFI (non-football injury list). He's doing remarkably well, Lynch said.