Study: We Can Build Our Way out of Climate Change - Streetsblog USA

"The researchers defined an ideal neighborhood with at least one-third of housing in denser forms like townhomes, apartments or duplexes. Here, residents' share of vehicle miles traveled were in the lowest 10th percentile. If 90 percent of new housing built in the next decade matches the density of the ideal neighborhood, 31 million fewer tons of greenhouse gas emissions from driving would be released annually in 2033..."
"Single-family zoning ordinances tend to be exclusionary: nothing else can be built in these neighborhoods... That means a trip to the grocery store, the post office, pharmacy or a litany of other mundane errands tend to require a car."
"Our cities and close-in suburbs tend to be lower carbon zones - not low enough, but lower compared to more remote suburbs and exurbs..."
"By contrast, many European cities have a more porous understanding of what such residential neighborhoods should look like, Levine said."
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