Record-high temperatures likely during quick glimpse of sunny Bay Area weather

The Bay Area is set to experience an unusually warm spell at the start of the week, with temperatures potentially reaching record highs in the 80s. This warm weather will be short-lived as a weather pattern shift will bring rain and cooler temperatures by Wednesday. Meteorologist Brayden Murdock from the National Weather Service notes that while some areas may break old temperature records, others are expected to remain intact. A significant storm is projected to arrive from the Gulf of Alaska over the weekend, adding to the variable nature of early spring weather in the region.
Until then, the weather will be about as friendly as it comes. Sun will bathe the region on Monday and Tuesday, and temperatures will climb into the 70s and possibly into the 80s in some areas.
One of the warmer spots was expected to be Oakland. The weather service forecast a high on Monday of 81 degrees, which would shatter the previous hot temperature for the day of 75, set in 1997.
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