A group gathered in San Francisco to discuss a lawsuit against Proposition K, a recent ballot measure aimed at partially closing the Great Highway. Critics argue it violates state law by permitting unauthorized closures without an environmental impact review. Richard Corriea, who led the event, highlighted the traffic nightmares created by the closure. However, supervisor Joel Engardio expressed confidence in the legality of the measure, suggesting the lawsuit lacks merit. Some residents oppose the lawsuit, advocating for cooperation on neighborhood improvements instead.
Prop K proponents in their haste to sneak this on the ballot decided that they were going to ignore the state law, said Richard Corriea. He believes Prop K violates state law by permitting an unauthorized roadway closure and for failing to do an environmental impact review.
If you all came out here on a day that the Great Highway is closed and you tried to cross Golden Gate Park going south or going north, it's a nightmare. People can't get around.
I have confidence in the City Attorney's ability to draft legal ballot measures that go before San Francisco voters. My guess is the court will quickly see this lawsuit has no merit.
We have extended multiple invites to the leaders of the 'No on K' folks to work together on neighborhood improvements, as well as addressing their concerns around traffic. Their answer is filing lawsuits.