This week, over 95 million Americans face frigid temperatures and record-breaking snowfall, prompting a significant rise in heating system usage. Experts emphasize the importance of understanding different furnace types—natural gas, electric, oil, and propane—to ensure proper maintenance. Knowing your system aids in communicating issues to technicians, enhancing service efficiency. Newer homes may have heat pumps, further diversifying heating methods. Proper care not only helps maintain comfort but can also reduce costs during the harsh weather.
Furnace types and how to check which one you have First, it is essential to know which type of heating system you have, and experts explain how to identify them.
Knowledge is power; make sure to be familiar with your HVAC system so if you ever need to communicate an issue to a technician, they can be better prepared to service your system.
Another type of heating system is a heat pump, which is relatively new. So if you have one, it will generally be on new construction, or you'll have deliberately installed it in your home.
If you see a visible flame or hear a burner sound while it's operating, you have a gas furnace.