Update: Prescribed fire in Glenn County - Feb. 26 status

The Mendocino Nf Fall 2024spring 2025 Fire Projects aim to address wildfire risks in California through prescribed burns initiated on November 12. This fire management technique is crucial for ecological restoration, providing habitat for wildlife and reducing hazardous fuel buildup. Fire managers prioritize safety by selecting optimal conditions for burns, monitoring factors like weather and air quality. Residents are urged to avoid burn sites, reassured that smoke may be visible but the fires are under careful supervision. This approach helps protect both natural resources and community safety.
"Prescribed fire is a tool that uses fire under planned ignitions to mimic the natural role of fire in the environment. Without fire, hazardous fuels can build up and carry wildfire from the forest floor to tree canopies, creating extreme fire behavior that poses risk to firefighters, surrounding communities and natural resources."
"Fire managers follow a risk-management approach when conducting these projects and mitigate impacts to local communities, residences and infrastructure. Fire managers will conduct prescribed fire activities during the safest possible 'burn windows' in the coming months."
Read at Sacramento Bee