Statewide poll shows runaway support for Prop. 36 measure to toughen theft, drug crime penalties

Mark Baldassare, PPIC's statewide survey director, noted, 'It's an unusual level of support for a proposition. We don't use the term 'overwhelming majority' lightly around here.' His comment underscores the unprecedented approval rating for Proposition 36, highlighting the collective sentiment of voters across different ideologies.
The poll indicates that a significant 71% of likely voters support Proposition 36, which aims to impose stricter penalties on theft and drug offenses. This striking level of approval shows a shift in voter sentiments towards criminal justice reforms, as the proposed measure seeks to counteract laws passed in the last decade.
With support extending across various demographics and regions of California, the data reveals that Proposition 36 is particularly favored in the Los Angeles area, maintaining a consistent 71% approval rate. Even in the Bay Area, it garners a solid 64%, illustrating broad state-wide endorsement for these tougher measures.
The proposed changes to amend existing laws not only roll back significant reforms introduced by Proposition 47 but also reflect increasing public concern over crime rates linked to drug malaise in California. The initiative aims to restore a more punitive framework for addressing theft and drug-related offenses.
Read at The Mercury News