See how they run: Dolores Huerta also endorses Aaron Peskin

"Aaron Peskin is a fighter for workers and families - he has proven that over and over," wrote Huerta, in a statement. "I encourage everyone to vote for Aaron Peskin for mayor if you want an effective, healthy, and affordable city that supports its families, renters, and workers fighting for a better future! Si se puede!"
"I grew up in a household where, as a young kid, we didn't eat table grapes because of the UFW," said Peskin today. "Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers movement and Dolores Huerta were part of my early childhood kitchen table learning."
"She and I traded calls and text messages, and then she announced to me, day before yesterday, that she was honored to endorse me," Peskin said. "I am honored and delighted, and it's one of the biggest endorsements I've ever gotten. I'm very proud."
Recently, the National Union of Healthcare Workers, which represents workers at Mission Neighborhood Health Center and other healthcare facilities across the city, reached out to Huerta and introduced the two more formally."
Read at Mission Local