The Clear Sign Of Canned Food Spoilage You Should Look For Every Time - Tasting Table

Recent food recalls have highlighted the importance of food safety, especially regarding canned goods. While canned foods are convenient and long-lasting, they can spoil and pose health risks, such as botulism. Signs of spoilage include gas buildup, indicated by a hiss or liquid upon opening. Although botulism is rare in professionally canned foods, caution is necessary with home-canning practices. It's essential to check cans for integrity to avoid consuming spoiled food, which can lead to severe health consequences.
It's crucial that you always check to make sure the can is intact and its contents haven't spoiled. If you do eat spoiled food from a can, you're in danger of contracting botulism.
Botulism is very rare, especially in professionally canned foods. Meanwhile, canning your own food has a lot of benefits, but it also opens the door to more mistakes - so take extra caution.
Read at Tasting Table