The U.S. has formally exited the United Nations' LGBTI Core Group, which promotes the rights of LGBTQ+ and intersex individuals globally. This move aligns with President Trump's recent executive orders that are perceived as anti-LGBTQ+, including those that deny the existence of transgender and nonbinary individuals. The UN LGBTI Core Group, established in 2008, aims to uphold human rights for LGBTI persons, focusing on protection against violence and discrimination. The group's co-chairs are Chile and the Netherlands, with various countries participating in its efforts.
"In line with the president's recent executive orders, we have withdrawn from the U.N. LGBTI Core Group," a State Department spokesperson told the Washington Blade. The withdrawal came February 14.
"The overarching goal of the UN LGBTI Core Group in New York is to work within the United Nations framework on ensuring universal respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, specifically lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons, with a particular focus on protection from violence and discrimination."