Belgorod regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov stated on Telegram, "the situation in our Belgorod region remains extremely difficult and tense due to shellings from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Houses are destroyed, civilians died and were injured." He emphasizes the dire consequences of the ongoing conflict, highlighting civilian casualties and property damage.
Gladkov announced that "a state of emergency will be introduced on the regional level, followed by a request to the governmental commission to declare a federal state of emergency." This suggests escalating concerns about safety and security in the affected areas.
The situation escalated as Gladkov reported that on Tuesday, two more Russian settlements were attacked by Ukrainian forces, indicating a continued and serious threat to regional stability.
The recent conflicts have generated a sense of urgency, as highlighted by the Governor's note regarding last week's declaration of emergency in Russia's Kursk region, marking this as the largest land incursion into Russian territory since World War II.