A recent analysis found that nearly 90% of Russia's top pro-war Telegram channels are ignoring a directive to register their accounts with the government. This issue follows President Putin's decree that required social media owners with over 10,000 subscribers to disclose their identities. As of a month before the January 2025 deadline, only 10 out of 82 identified pro-government Telegram channels have complied, with prominent figures and groups like Rybar and the Defense Ministry remaining unregistered.
Independent media outlet Vertska reported that among the 82 pro-government channels on Telegram, 72 had not registered, including influential political figures such as Dmitry Medvedev and the Defense Ministry. This raises questions about the enforcement and compliance of the new regulations, as failure to register by the deadline may result in these channels being prohibited from funding or advertising, which could significantly impact their operations.
The Institute for the Study of War suggested that the reluctance of these pro-war Telegram channels to register may stem from their alignment with the Kremlin. By not registering, they potentially reinforce the Kremlin's control over discourse in Russia without presenting a challenge, allowing the regime to maintain oversight while avoiding increased scrutiny or restrictions.
The government's decree, effective November 1, aims to tighten regulations on social media channels, but the backlash against these rules among pro-Kremlin outlets indicates a divide in the effectiveness and acceptance of such policies. The situation points to a complex dynamic between Kremlin authorities and their media allies, where compliance may be viewed as detrimental to their operational freedom.