The documentary "Mr. Nobody Against Putin" by Pavel Talankin sheds light on the indoctrination of Russian schoolchildren in the wake of the Ukraine invasion. Teachers face immense pressure to align their teachings with the Kremlin’s narratives, often resorting to euphemisms. The film portrays how the new syllabus glorifies military action while downplaying the consequences of the war, applying pressure to educators to reinforce a pro-war mindset. Talankin, previously working at a primary school, felt compelled to share his footage of this warped reality before fleeing Russia, exposing the disturbing link between education and militarization.
A new documentary by Pavel Talankin captures the struggle of Russian teachers to explain the war in Ukraine while reflecting state-sponsored militarization of education.
Talankin's film highlights the indoctrination of children into a warlike ideology, revealing how military rhetoric has intruded into classrooms across Russia.