The potential crossover appeal with populists and libertarian-minded swing voters was illustrated by the enthusiasm of the stalwart libertarian Rep. Thomas Massie's (R-KY), who called the proposal 'most intriguing.' That Massie, a primary supporter of Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis and vocal opponent of Trump's pandemic spending, and Trump's more protectionist supporters could find energetic common ground around such an idea demonstrates the galvanizing potential such a bold tax policy revolution could provide.
"Make what we buy and buy what we make," he said. I proposed repealing the income tax and replacing it with tariffs and deep spending cuts on our regulatory state, which severely retards innovation and wealth creation. Ellis called the idea "a revolutionary concept."
"You probably couldn't have enough tariffs to fund the regulatory state we have now. So the best way to do it is exactly what you said, get rid of the income tax. We're going to replace the revenues with tariffs and then start chopping away everything we can't aff