President Trump’s intent to eliminate the Department of Education has sparked debates regarding feasibility and implications. While legally challenging, a recent announcement to cut its workforce by nearly 50% indicates a concrete effort. Contrary to perceptions of a substantial bureaucratic reduction, the Department is notably the smallest, focusing its budget on essential educational funding. This move resonates with Christian conservatives who have historically sought to incorporate religious teachings in education, echoing a century-long campaign against federal educational oversight, stemming from principles set by earlier influencers like J. Gresham Machen in 1926.
Even entirely eliminating the Department of Education would not considerably reduce the size of the federal government or limit bureaucracy. It's the smallest federal department by number of employees.
Many believed the proposal would face legal challenges because Congress created the Department by law and approves its budget.
For roughly a century, conservative Christian groups have claimed that education should include Christian teachings and have increasingly concluded that American public schools are unsuited and even antagonistic to that task.
However, shuttering the Department of Education would fulfill the dreams of a significant part of Trump's base: Christian conservatives.