Senator Tim Kaine cautioned federal workers against accepting a buyout offer from President Trump, emphasizing that the president lacks the authority to implement such a deal. He highlighted a recent email about a voluntary resignation program, which promised continued pay and benefits until September for those who leave by February 6. Kaine criticized the offer as deceptive, comparing Trump's promises to his past dealings with contractors. He encouraged workers to remain diligent in their duties, asserting their importance and stability in government positions despite the turbulent political climate.
The president has no authority to make that offer. There's no budget line item to pay people who are not showing up for work.
My message to federal employees who receive this is, yeah, the president has tried to terrorize you for about a week...
If you accept that offer and resign, he'll stiff you just like he stiffed the contractors.
You were here before he was here, and you'll be here after he was here. Show up for work.