Philadelphia Law Firms Allow For Remote Work Thanks To Eagles Super Bowl Victory Parade - Above the Law

The Eagles' Super Bowl victory parade in Philadelphia has prompted local law firms to adapt their working arrangements, with many closing offices or allowing remote work. Courts, schools, and government offices are closed for the celebrations. Notably, firms like Kaufman Dolowich and Polsinelli are enabling their employees to work from home, while other firms are offering flexible schedules or a day off to join the festivities. The atmosphere aligns with the city's jubilation, highlighting the intersection of sports celebrations and workplace policies.
Kaufman Dolowich, Ballard Spahr, and Polsinelli are all among the firms permitting remote work on the day of the parade, anticipating travel difficulties as a result of the expected crowds.
Other firms in the city are offering flexible working hours for employees looking to celebrate the Eagles. Marshall Dennehey indicated that it was offering flexible hours for staff on parade day.
Duane Morris added that, although its Center City office will remain open, it planned on treating parade day as a "substantial snowfall day," meaning that those who cannot make it to the office will not be charged for a day off.
Read at Above the Law