Paying off student loan debt and traveling the world: How the overemployed use their extra earnings

Robert, whose identity is known to BI but asked to use a pseudonym because of his fear of professional repercussions, previously told BI, "We spend a lot on travel because life is more about experiences and memories than material things." This perspective is shared among many who juggle jobs, prioritizing experiences over financial caution.
While some employers may be OK with their workers having a second job, doing so without company approval could have professional repercussions. Additionally, job juggling can lead to burnout, and the ethics of doing it in secret are up for debate.
Over the past year, Business Insider has interviewed over two dozen job jugglers who've used the extra money to pay off debt, save for retirement, and afford expensive weight-loss drugs, demonstrating the tangible benefits of this labor strategy.
Despite the long hours and risk of professional repercussions, many current and former overemployed individuals told BI that the financial benefits are worth it, and some have used the money to build additional income streams.
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