"It's not necessarily just the hours, because let's be real: MBAs know that if they're going to be making the money they're wanting to make, they're going to have to put in the work," says LaTanya Johns...
"Sometimes when we talk about paying well or financial benefits, we have to be thinking about what are some other benefits that are sought after - that work-life balance or that fast track, those are things they value just as much if not more."
Administrators at business schools say their programs teach the importance of work-life balance because many MBA grads will be managing others. They need the skills to "create work environments that facilitate work-life balance for their employees so that they can attract and retain the best talent possible," says Jack Smothers...
In recent years, MBA grads have increasingly traded higher salaries that come with long hours for jobs offering a stable salary and "a healthier work week" with more traditional hours, Johns says.