Angie, an HR director at a utility company, discovered hidden expertise within her organization, emphasizing the importance of connecting talent across divisions for project success. She harnessed this knowledge by bringing in an expert from another division, thereby demonstrating how organizational structures can obscure valuable resources if not actively navigated.
The challenge of identifying and accessing valuable expertise within an organization often stems from tacit knowledge, which is nuanced and not easily documented. This can leave organizations rich in talent yet unable to fully leverage their capabilities due to silos that limit cross-departmental awareness.
Creating an organizational knowledge map enables leaders to visualize and access the expertise available within their company, making it easier to identify potential resources that can enhance project outcomes. Such maps help bridge the gaps between silos, ensuring valuable insights are not overlooked.
The disconnect between organizational talent and project needs is common in many companies. Leaders must cultivate an understanding of their employees' skills and strengths to achieve organizational goals and avoid any wasted potential.
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