The article advocates for attending the 'Art and Science of Love' workshop by Dr. John and Julie Gottman as an effective investment in a romantic relationship. Couples often come to the workshop excited yet nervous, ready to engage in a structured learning environment. While acknowledging the convenience of online learning, the article emphasizes that the interactive and personal nature of the workshop provides unique benefits. Attendees report numerous advantages, such as gaining deeper insights into their relationships compared to typical online courses or self-help resources.
At the start of every workshop, couples arrive together, or separately, excited, nervous, staking out their "best spot"... anticipating a couple of days together.
Podcasts, online courses - they all have their pros and cons. Let me highlight some of the most obvious pros I have witnessed and heard about from attendees.
What couples love about the workshop is that it provides a structured and engaging environment to explore their relationship, beyond what DIY methods can offer.
Post pandemic, we have all adapted to our '1984'-ish new reality of learning from teachers on screens - and we've survived. Sometimes this method is the most convenient.