My ex-husband left me for another woman.

When he did he began to do things he never did with me, things he said were irrelevant and useless. He became lovey-dovey and did lots of PDAs, posting them online with his new wife and tagging me on them. I knew he just wanted to prove to me that she was better than me and he was happy with her, but I just ignored him. People tend to flaunt second marriages and relationships and do things they never did in their previous relationships just to prove to their exes that they are happy.
I knew him and knew that the things I tolerated from him none of these Generation women would tolerate. Someone that can't lift a finger and you have to pick up after him. I decided to tolerate his excesses and remain married to him. One day he woke up one day and said he was ending our marriage. I heaved a sigh of relief and moved on. He seemed surprised that I didn't cry or beg but sometimes people don't know how you are holding on by a tiny thread.
I've asked him to find another young blood and move on with her because, after tasting the peace of mind I experienced after he left, I don't see myself returning to picking up after him like a newborn. Now his family is saying that they are disappointed in me for not taking him back. They say I should seize the opportunity to win back my husband. Please, between both of us, who should win the other back?
Read at All Singles And Married