How to Invest in Your Relationship's Emotional Bank Account

The emotional bank account concept serves as a metaphor for the relational health and emotional connection in intimate relationships. Positive interactions act as deposits, bolstering trust and connection, whereas negative interactions are withdrawals, depleting the account. The balance of this emotional bank account, established through frequent deposits, determines the strength of the relationship. The Gottman Institute's research highlights how partners' responses to bids for connection—attentiveness and affection—are critical for maintaining and increasing this emotional balance, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing positive interactions.
The emotional bank account is a metaphorical measure of relational health and emotional connection within intimate relationships.
For a relationship to thrive, there must be a sufficient balance in the emotional bank account through repeated deposits.
When a partner turns toward and responds to their partner's bid, this is a simple way to make a deposit into the emotional bank account.
Research from the Gottman Institute describes bids for connection as any attempt from one partner to another for positive connection.
Read at Psychology Today