I've noticed that for men, it takes longer to get into a sexual relationship, but it is relatively easy and quick for men to leave one, whereas it is accessible to get into a sexual relationship at pretty much any time for many young women, but she has a much riskier/longer challenge disentangling and leaving the relationship. This explains a lot of the behavior that no one seems to have a solution for, like the fact that many men are now conditioned to hardly even recognize if someone is flirting with them because flirting is not direct/explicit enough. Women are conditioned that they have to walk on eggshells around men to avoid triggering their sexual ego. If they could see what they think each other's motives are inside each other's brains, they would laugh in horror and relief.
I'm a bi woman, and to be honest, the biggest difference for me is other people's perception of my relationship. When I date men, I don't get the same 21 questions from strangers and family members about why I chose to date that person.
I am a bi woman here. My relationships with women have always been more emotionally rewarding, as the girls I've known tend to be more open about their emotions. So I'm not left guessing where we are at. The only drawback is homophobic people judging the relationship.