The Independent highlights its commitment to quality journalism, tackling significant issues such as reproductive rights and climate change without paywalls. Donations support ground-level reporting, fostering accessibility and trust across political lines. Concurrently, a call has been made for an NHS-wide rollout of socially prescribing Parkrun events by GPs to enhance physical and mental health, emphasizing its community benefits and potential to alleviate NHS burdens. Parkrun's partnership with nearly 2,000 surgeries signifies growing recognition of social prescriptions in health conversations.
"Participating in parkrun, whether that be walking, running, volunteering or even just coming down to your local park to be outdoors with others, is a great way for people to start to make improvements to their physical and mental health," said parkrun chief executive Russ Jefferys.
"The charity works with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), and nearly 2,000 surgeries around the UK have signed up to socially prescribe parkruns."