How the Nordic countries are tackling the scourge of screens

Nordic countries are responding to growing concerns about excessive screen time among children and its potential health impacts. The health ministers have committed to addressing these issues collectively and increasing accountability amongst tech companies. Denmark has instituted strict regulations banning smartphones and tablets in schools, while Sweden emphasizes a shift from screens to traditional learning methods. Each Nordic nation is developing unique strategies to combat screen time, showcasing a commitment to protecting children's health and wellbeing against digital overexposure.
"We are deeply concerned about the harmful effects on [children's] health and wellbeing of spending more time on screens," the health ministers of the five countries said in a joint statement after a meeting of the Nordic Council of Ministers in April 2024.
Denmark's education minister announced on February 24th, 2025 that the government would push through a law this year banning smartphones and tablets in schools, both in lessons and during break times.
Sweden's education minister Johan Pehrson has made the move fran skarm till parm, or 'from screens to folders', one of the main themes of his tenure, prioritizing traditional learning over screen use.
Health ministers from Nordic countries pledged to increase pressure on tech companies to minimize the negative effects their products have on children, recognizing ongoing screen time issues.
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