The article emphasizes the importance of legal counsel for federal employees contemplating whistleblowing on government corruption. It advises potential whistleblowers to seek a trusted lawyer experienced in this area before taking any steps. Resources like the Project on Government Oversight can help locate suitable attorneys. Additionally, the article warns individuals to maintain a clean personal record, as any personal issues could be used against them by their agency if they go public with their claims.
Before you do anything, make sure you have a trusted legal advisor who's experienced in this field, says Mark Zaid, a DC-based whistleblower lawyer.
There are many resources online to help whistleblowers find lawyers. The Anti-Fraud Coalition also maintains a lawyer directory.
Many whistleblower attorneys work under a contingency agreement, which means you don't have to pay upfront-though check with each attorney.
Ensure you don't have any dirty laundry or skeletons in your closet; your agency could weaponize any detrimental information to attack your character.