How crypto bros wrested Flappy Bird from its creator

"No, I have no related with their game. I did not sell anything. I also don't support crypto," Nguyen added, clearly distancing himself from the new Flappy Bird.
"Flappy Bird was designed to play in a few minutes when you are relaxed... But it happened to become an addictive product. I think it has become a problem. To solve that problem, it's best to take down Flappy Bird. It's gone forever," reflecting on the game's impact and his decision.
Court filings show that... Gametech Holdings filed a 'notice of opposition' against Nguyen with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), seeking to invalidate his claim on the 'Flappy Bird' name.
...the US Patent and Trademark Office entered a default judgment against him and officially canceled his trademark in January, allowing Gametech to legally claim the name.
Read at Ars Technica