For all this, there are plenty of people out there who will tell you that Chelsea's decision to play Raheem Sterling in all six of their pre-season fixtures, then decide to sell him, then fail to sell him, then pay him 200,000 a week to play for Arsenal, is a stroke of underrated genius, 4D strategising on a level the financially illiterate among us will never truly grasp.
Clearly, Clearlake Capital's belief in their grind/hustle has some way to run. In which case, I have a luxury hotel for you to sell yourself.
...I started investing in garden gnomes: a relatively low-cost, low-maintenance investment that everybody seems to enjoy.
My vision was to seek out and nurture the gnomes that would furnish the gardens of the future. I would visit ceramics factories and buy gnomes straight out of the cast, before they had been painted or finished.