Fighting For Progress On Patents: 2024 in Review

Despite notable advancements in the last ten years, vague software patents still present a significant threat to online rights. Most patent lawsuits come from anonymous entities exploiting this system rather than genuine inventors.
The establishment of inter partes reviews (IPRs) in 2012 aimed to tackle the patent office's backlog and eliminate dubious patents. Though imperfect, IPRs have successfully canceled thousands of unjust patents.
Big patent owners and trolls are actively trying to dismantle the IPR system. Following failed attempts in court, they are now persuading the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to alter the rules governing IPRs.
EFF is committed to helping individuals and organizations contest patent threats that affect basic online functionalities. This includes activities as simple as using CAPTCHAs or engaging in online games.
Read at Electronic Frontier Foundation