Edward Snowden made China a quantum networking superpower

"Since then, China has been moving swiftly, solidifying its lead in the global race for secure communications, particularly in QKD [quantum key distribution], which is perhaps the most advanced subfield of secure communications, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics to create a virtually unbreakable method of encrypting data."
"China has the most ambitious demonstrations of this technology, namely through what is called the Beijing-Shanghai backbone, which is the longest QKD network in the world and stretches over 1,200 miles using fiber-optic cables."
"The report states that other nations can't match China's quantum comms capabilities, but the rest of the world is ahead in quantum computing."
"In hardware development, the United States has taken a commanding lead over China, calling out work on superconductors, and the ability to trap atomic ions in a vacuum to represent qubits, as fields in which the US leads the world."
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