AI will make scam emails look genuine, UK cybersecurity agency warns

Artificial intelligence will make it difficult to spot whether emails are genuine or sent by scammers and malicious actors, including messages that ask computer users to reset their passwords, the UK's cybersecurity agency has warned.
To 2025, generative AI and large language models will make it difficult for everyone, regardless of their level of cybersecurity understanding, to assess whether an email or password reset request is genuine, or to identify phishing, spoofing or social engineering attempts. Ransomware attacks, which had hit institutions such as the British Library and Royal Mail over the past year, were also expected to increase, the NCSC said. It warned that the sophistication of AI lowers the barrier for amateur cybercriminals and hackers to access systems and gather information on targets, enabling them to paralyse a victim's computer systems, extract sensitive data and demand a cryptocurrency ransom. The NCSC said generative AI tools already helped make approaches to potential victims more convincing.
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